Mark made such a difference!

Created by Jennifer 7 months ago

i first came across Mark as a parent. Sam was struggling with headaches on rugby days and I went to seek his advice. He just said to leave it with him. He moved Sam to join the backs and hus rugby took off. 
Mark always put the children first and this is just one of countless stories of where he made such a difference through sorting things out.  We used to have to do the tough stuff together when a child had made a poor choice, but both of us believed in being firm and educating. Mark often went off to do an extra PSHE lesson on some very unusual matters! He had a great sense of  humour in these situations. Everyone knew and valued what he stood for; he could afford to have huge fun with his charges and retain respect. 
His History and PSHE lessons were legendary and it was such a wrench for him to teach less as his leadership responsibilities grew. He was a teacher through and through and worked very hard, but always found the best time for his family. He and Gill led such fabulous opportunities through the cubs and scouts snd they had such fun as a family together. He was a very proud Dad! 
Then there was Mark behind the mike on Sports Day, on stage and at The Leaversā€™ Dinner. It was when he sent his Year 8 off to the next stage and gave them and his staff all the credit for their wonderful achievements, that you knew what he had achieved. He gave so many people the chance to grow.
It is unbelievably tough that he should lose his life to cancer, but he undoubtedly lives on in our hearts and minds. RIP MarkšŸŒ»